Mr. & Mrs. MacDonald

Mr. & Mrs. MacDonald

Monday, September 27, 2010

1 year! :)

Happy 1 year baby! One year....ONE YEAR!!! I can't believe one year has gone by so fast!
To My Wesley!
I love you. I am so thankful for you. I adore you my husband. Thank you for being a friend, shoulder to cry on, my rock, partner in crime, giggle partner, inspiration, warmth when I needed, loving hugs, beautiful kisses, hand to hold, chief mess maker, major bread winner, spider killer, door opener, adventure seeker and so much more!
I pray we have many more years together. I look forward to the new adventures right around the corner. You are more than I could have asked for. Happy Anniversary Wes.
I love you with all my heart and always. God has blessed me with you. You are a gift to me.
Your loving wife,
Mrs. Kate MacDonald

Monday, September 20, 2010


Well this year has been a big year for my sister. She had her first baby back in Feb! I can't believe how fast time has gone....he is growing so fast. Kaiden is a little flirt already! I have 2 cousins that met up with my Dad down in Oz. Kaiden loves them already. I guess he LOVES girls! I'm sure that is a normal thing for babies...but he is the first in the family so we are just learning and watching all the new things! I'm not really watching, but rather hearing and seeing on Skype occasionally. I love Skype. I can't believe how much I love it. My sister and I haven't often lived apart for too long so it has been the best thing invented next to the wheel.

The year has also proved to be a pretty hard and stressful year for Kelly. As you know she was diagnosed with "Steve". I can't believe the news still...and I don't know if I ever well. Kelly is so strong. She is handling it all with beauty and grace. She has an amazing support system down in Oz. I am so thankful for that. She also has a God that loves her very much and is her healer. I have to say this has been a time of stretching and renewing and defining I think all of our faiths. It's unfortunate that it takes something like "steve" to make us all realize we have become like passing ships in the night.

Kelly is my baby sister. But she is far from being a baby. She has always had such a maturity about her. She is leveled headed where I loose my cool... :) She is my best friend, sounding board, shoulder to cry on, advice giver, voice of reason, and someone to laugh with. She is barbie. I know she doesn't see it but that's how I describe her to people! I love her very much. She is a true inspiration to me and to many others!

Please keep praying for her. She needs to put on some extra pounds in the next week for the surgery. She will be in surgery for 9 hours next Tuesday. Then she will be in the hospital up to 2 weeks for recovery. Please pray this time goes fast, good nurses and doctors, speedy recovery, and all the CANCER has been removed. Kelly will also have to do radiation treatment for 5-6 weeks for 5 days a week. Please pray for peace, patience, joy, healing, and endurance. I know this will be a hard time for her being without Kaiden. She needs all the support she can get. Thanks in advance for praying and any encouraging words you may have for her.

I love you baby sister!

Love you all.

Friday, September 17, 2010

My view

Well I have been meaning to get some pics on here of where I have been walking and what I have been seeing! The pictures don't really show the true beauty or the size of the hill!

Oh Cousins!

Well I know it has been some time since I have blogged...I have thought about it but just haven't made it an effort to do it. So here I am with a brain full of thoughts and not sure what to write!

First off Wes is working nights....7 days a week right now. This has been good and bad. Good making money...bad me being ALONE more. It's hard not having friends and family close... But this week was awesome! I had 2 cousins come up and visit me for a few nights! It was really beyond awesome. It was so nice to reconnect with one cousin who I haven't seen in over 10 years! It was wonderful. The wonders of family...seeing yourself from a new view. :)

Another good thing this week is I have a date set for my immigration interview! WOOHOOO so getting one step closer! This has been a long year. A long year of realizing I need people around more than I thought. I love people...and I have always liked having my "alone time" but this year has shown me more and more I need a good community of friends and believers to belong to. It is so important.

Life is too short and can change so fast.... tell the ones you love you love them. Hug them when you can. Don't be afraid to give someone a compliment and try to uplift instead of rip down. Try to be patient and hold your tongue....give grace to one another. SMILE, LAUGH and remember to BREATHE! These are the things I'm wanting to remember each day.

Love you all.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Time as usual is speeding by. One year of marriage is almost here. One year of waiting for my immigration is getting closer. Looking back time has gone too quickly in some ways...and in others SLOW! I need time to be quick and slow at the same time. I want time with Wes. Time with my sister. I want time to go fast for her. I'm sure most of you know Kelly just found out she has cancer (which we call Steve). I'm not sure why Steve....probably cause the name of it starts with an S. Wes for some reason called it Steve. And well honestly I like calling it Steve. Sorry to all the Steve's out hard feelings!

I'm trying to take more pictures and asking my loved ones far away to take them too. Life changes way to fast. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. I want pictures. I used to love taking pictures. What happened? Is the digital age to blame? I used to love using a disposable camera. Those were great...a surprise and disappointment from time to time. But fun none the less!

This post isn't making much sense...just babble. But just take some time to take a picture (mental works too!) of your loved ones and life around you. It can change so fast. Love you all!